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Types of Communication and Impact of Communication

Friday, September 11, 2009

We already have discussed about communication process and communication barriers in our previous post. Here, I want to tell about types of communication and impact of communication on human behaviour.

Communication is possible with words. We talk to our friend to write a letter or E-mail. It means we are talking through words. We are establishing a communication with our friends. This is one type of communication but here we will discuss on many types of communication.

Communication through words:

When a baby cries, the mother turns to her. Communication through spoken words or written words is called verbal communication. Verbal communication is known as spoken communication also.

Non-verbal communication:

Non-verbal communication is known as communication without words. In this process we don’t use words to send or receive massages. We can categories non-verbal communication as:


Body Language


Facial Expression

Eye Gazing

Impact of Communication on human behaviour or performance:

Effective communication is known as the well-defined strategy that enables any organization to achieve its set goals. A close tie between business, performance, technology and communication strategies provides a strong base for understanding and support within an organization.

The performance of an individual is either enhanced or hampered depending upon the effectiveness of communication in the work place. An organization is more than a set of by-laws, financial reports or organizational charts. It is a group of ‘people’. We cannot deny the social aspects of the workplace because it inhibits the transfer of information and knowledge and hinders the organization’s ability to outperform and innovate.

Just turn around- you may be in the cafeteria, front office, recreation area or the administrative block. Pay attention to different communication that I going on. Are they clear? Are they too harsh or too dry? How are they perceived? Is the receiver of the message accepting or rejecting the message? Do people care to what you say? Do you accomplish your goal? It is more than often that you are in a dilemma about issuing new instructions.

Effective communication enables you to hold a “relaxed” meeting and read to them what you wrote so that they could critique.


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