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The Top MBA Books Everyone Should Read

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Those looking towards getting their MBA either by going to regular classes or doing their MBA online will need to get the latest skills on how the new economy is working. Since not all MBA's are the same, it is a matter of skills and insight acquired that will dictate whether they will get the best jobs out there.

There is only one way to get the knowledge needed to compete at a global level and that is by reading the most concise books out there that cover the most current material.

The following are just a few of the best MBA books to read:

Capitalism and Freedom- was penned down by Nobel Prize winning Laureate Milton Friedman. This document which was released in 1962 attested to the fact that the greater freedoms a person had the stronger the economy was . In essence the more government interfered with the way people conduct business with one another the more harm it did for the market. While people do try to protect others with the best of intentions the free market is the best protection for both seller and buyer.

The Competitive Advantage Of Nations- This book highlights how various nations have inherent advantages over others. Since we live in a global economy, the economic advantages and disadvantages become very apparent. Also, this is where some governments try to enact protection measures by charging fees on imported goods in the hope of giving the local firms an advantage over foreign suppliers.

Made In America- Is the story of Sam Walton who built the largest retail empire in the world. We all know his business as Walmart ® Which now has become a multinational force that shows no signs of slowing down. Walton understood the need for consumers to have a place to go and find all the products they needed at the lowest prices possible. He started off with the five and ten stores and grew a global brand from humble beginnings.

The reason all prospective MBA graduates must read these and other books is to take the lessons from the past that were learned the hard way and apply them to real world solutions. By taking action and reading these books a person will be able to be more informed and better equipped to compete for the top jobs in the market.


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